Hello! I’m Michael (@TheShadowEevee). I’m a cybersec/virtual reality/technology enthusiast with a general interest in many technology-oriented topics and a passion for learning other areas as they intrigue me.
I am at Purdue University studying Cybersecurity and Computing Infrastructure and Network Engineering Technology, with minors in Forensic Sciences and Law and Society. While I primarily work in these areas, I don’t let that restrict my skills; I continue to learn more across many fields, letting new experiences and projects guide my learning outside class.
If you ever want to get in touch with me, feel free! I can be reached on Bluesky or via email at theshadoweevee@shad.moe OR theshadoweevee@konpeki.solutions.
What’s up with the post URLs?
If you’ve looked at the address bar while reading one of my posts, you may have noticed a random jumble of letters and numbers. This is actually a unique ID for the post!
Each of my posts is hosted on the AT Protocol. I talked about this in my post Welcome to the ATmosphere in more detail. The quick TL;DR is that posts are stored very similarly to a post on Bluesky, using the WhiteWind Schema.
View the source code for this blog!
This site uses the Fuwari theme (based on Astro)
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Post Storage
Posts are stored and retrieved using the AT Protocol, using the Whitewind schema.
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Sources of images used in this site
Analytics Disclaimer
All data collected is non-identifiable. If you have specific questions about the below statements, email privacy@shad.moe.
Umami Analytics
This site uses Umami Analytics. No identifying data is stored. Analytics are publically available on umami.shad.moe.
Umami Analytics is used to monitor number of visitors, and popular posts on the blog. Accessible data includes:
- Path Visited
- Referrer
- Country of Origin
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Cloudflare Analytics
This site uses Cloudflare DNS Analytics. Collected personal data is limited to the IP Address of the connecting device.
Cloudflare DNS Analytics is used to monitor number of visitors across *.shad.moe
. Accessible data includes:
- Query name
- Query type (same as DNS record type)
- Response code
- Responding Cloudflare Data center
- Source IP
- Destination IP
- Protocol
- IP version